After first coming across the very basic mobile app development software Appfurnace, I thought to myself can anything be created that is more complicated than a simple app that bounces between several pages. I started to look at the benefits that can be found by enableing GPS position can have on the complexity of your app.

After exploring the user interface online to switch looks and use of apps I settled on a simple black background and easy to read white buttons and a elegant grey border. The opening page is a full screen button with the name of the app. the online editor is very easy to use even if the limitations of the software are quite heavy. The way you can easily upload your app to the Android and Apple app store.

The Hotglue interface is very unintuative as there is very little instruction towards begining your site, the buttons are slightly awkward to call upon. After a little playing with the limited elements I started to create a nice, simple layout, the interface is perfect for elegant, minimalistic sites such as blogs or fan sites.
After doing a little bit of online reasearch I found you could very easily drag media onto the edit site and it would automaticaly upload straight onto your site.

When I first started using Hotglue I had no control over the side scroll bar. After reading a few blogs I realised I was not alone it was a issue with Chrome. I downloaded Mozilla (against my better judgement) and after firing up Hotglue on Mozilla I could then carry on the development of my site.

The interface after a bit of playing around becomes very simple, even if it does seem a bit convoluted to start with, picking a color scheme is very easy and the ordering of elements within the page is easy if not sometimes infuriating. One of the more irritating problems with Hotglue is the way you must create a new element for the header and paragraph as you can only have one text size per element.
The page meta data is easy to navigate with one page listing all the pages and simple links to edit, copy, etc. creating links between the pages is easy as every element can be made a link to another page or external pages.